GENETRIX is an ever-evolving cultivation of synaesthesiae, a long-form composition for large vocal ensemble, crystal bowl drones, and percussion by Brooke Hamre Gillespie. This will be its premier performance and is the result of a Jerome Foundation Commission that Brooke received in the Fall of 2009. The ensemble will be comprised of 18 vocalists, 7 crystal bowls, percussion and 2-3 visual projectionists. The light/analog video projections are in collaboration with Ivy Meadows.
Brooke Hamre Gillespie is a visionary-present-moment-composer who vibrates through the liminal territories of ecstatic ceremony, composition, performance, sound healing, and echologic, and whose solo performance is The Holy Experiment. Team home is currently Brooklyn, NY. “My work is intended to reach not only those in the immediate area who listen, but consciousness is given to the sounds and vibrations produced with the knowledge that all is vibration, is interactive, is intra-related, is influencing and being influenced by everything in and out of the space, and that every sound created eventually makes its way through the universe”¦”
GENETRIX was created as an audeological response to the Earth changes and their ancient prophecies, – an echo logic call land response to the beings of the Earth and all of the current emergent situations.
“We are Water Babies. Do not to forget to say thank you every day for the water you drink, the water you bathe in. Without our Mother water we would not survive.” – Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim of the 13 Grandmothers
“When the Condor of the south flies with the Eagle of the north, a new day for Earth will awaken!” Inca prophecy
“They believe that “munay,”
love and compassion,
will be the guiding force of this great
gathering of the peoples,” – Q’ero teachings
Through our sound circle, we call and respond to each other, allowing each other to know one another. Allowing each other to hear one another, we begin to develop new ways of communicating and harmonizing through our breath, our bodies, and our voices. In this way we form the void space that allows intention to be transformed into vibration that acts as a conduit for healing energy. Through this Genetrix/Creatrix, we journey through the void, moving in resonance through breath, the body, and the voice, generating peace, love, awareness, gratitude, and compassion. We sing upon the cosmic hearth, where the heart meets the earth.
***During the performance audience members are invited to get comfortable. You may bring a yoga mat to lie on or a cushion to sit on. There will be chairs for those who need them, but you are strongly encouraged to come prepared to sit on the floor.
The Holy Experiment is the solo performance of Brooke Hamre Gillespie, who was born in Ely, Minnesota in 1979. She plays bells, Tibetan singing bowls, suling flutes, recorders, electric violin, electric guitar, and uses her voice to navigate the new worlds created through the sounds. Gillespie writes. “My work is intended to reach not only those in the immediate area who listen, but consciousness is given to the sounds and vibrations produced with insight into the idea that all vibration is interactive and that every sound created eventually makes its way through the cosmos”¦”