

Since 1978, Roulette has supported visionary artists by presenting their work and building an audience interested in adventurous art. Your support is the driving force behind our work. No matter the amount, every donation to Roulette helps artists create, experiment, and thrive in our beloved city, where their ideas are the lifeblood of our communities. Your belief in our mission makes all the difference. Thank you!


We are delighted to recognize your generous support in the following ways:

Friends – $150+


  • Handwritten thank you note
  • Inclusion in public donor listing
  • $2 Discount at bar & 20% off online store


Supporters – $500+


  • Handwritten thank you note
  • Inclusion in public donor listing
  • $2 Discount at bar & 20% off online store
  • Access to special ticketing offers for high-demand Roulette programs 
  • Invitations to exclusive donor events with Roulette artists
  • Concierge ticketing services and select complimentary tickets to Roulette shows upon request


Patrons – $1,500+


  • Handwritten thank you note
  • Inclusion in public donor listing
  • $2 Discount at bar & 20% off online store
  • Access to special ticketing offers for high-demand Roulette programs 
  • Invitations to exclusive donor events with Roulette artists
  • Concierge ticketing services and select complimentary tickets to Roulette shows upon request
  • Behind-the-scenes access to select rehearsals and work development


Innovators – $5,000+


  • Handwritten thank you note
  • Inclusion in public donor listing
  • $2 Discount at bar & 20% off online store
  • Access to special ticketing offers for high-demand Roulette programs 
  • Invitations to exclusive donor events with Roulette artists
  • Concierge ticketing services and select complimentary tickets to Roulette shows upon request
  • Behind-the-scenes access to select rehearsals and work development
  • Complimentary access to all Roulette programs for you and up to three guests


Advocates – $10,000+


  • Handwritten thank you note
  • Inclusion in public donor listing
  • $2 Discount at bar & 20% off online store
  • Access to special ticketing offers for high-demand Roulette programs 
  • Invitations to exclusive donor events with Roulette artists
  • Concierge ticketing services and select complimentary tickets to Roulette shows upon request
  • Behind-the-scenes access to select rehearsals and work development
  • Complimentary access to all Roulette programs for you and up to three guests
  • Dedicated lead and named sponsorship of a Roulette program of your choice


Stewards – $20,000+


  • Handwritten thank you note
  • Inclusion in public donor listing
  • $2 Discount at bar & 20% off online store
  • Access to special ticketing offers for high-demand Roulette programs 
  • Invitations to exclusive donor events with Roulette artists
  • Concierge ticketing services and select complimentary tickets to Roulette shows upon request
  • Behind-the-scenes access to select rehearsals and work development
  • Complimentary access to all Roulette programs for you and up to three guests
  • Dedicated lead and named sponsorship of a Roulette program of your choice
  • Two engraved plaques on one (1) of Roulette’s 154 balcony seats with your chosen dedication on the armrest and seat back
  • Dedicated named and lead sponsorship of Roulette live streams for one year


Visionaries – $50,000+

Visionaries help ensure Roulette’s organizational sustainability by serving as key partners to advance Roulette’s mission.


  • Handwritten thank you note
  • Inclusion in public donor listing
  • $2 Discount at bar & 20% off online store
  • Access to special ticketing offers for high-demand Roulette programs 
  • Invitations to exclusive donor events with Roulette artists
  • Concierge ticketing services and select complimentary tickets to Roulette shows upon request
  • Behind-the-scenes access to select rehearsals and work development
  • Complimentary access to all Roulette programs for you and up to three guests
  • Dedicated lead and named sponsorship of a Roulette program of your choice
  • Two engraved plaques on one (1) of Roulette’s 154 balcony seats with your chosen dedication on the armrest and seat back
  • Dedicated named and lead sponsorship of Roulette live streams for one year
  • Dedicated named and lead sponsorship of a Roulette Season
  • Invitations to the annual Visionary Meeting with staff and board


Contributions may also be mailed to:
Roulette Intermedium, Inc.
30 Third Avenue, Suite 208
New York, NY 11217

If you’d like to discuss a customized sponsorship with Roulette—whether that’s sponsoring a series or season, underwriting our community partnerships with other non-profits focused on youth, education, human rights, etc., or receiving discounts on our shows or rental rates – please contact us at

Roulette Intermedium is an artist-driven, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, registered in The State of New York. Your charitable donation to Roulette is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.

THANK YOU to our community of supporters who share our belief in the power of innovative artistry and experimentation: 

The following list reflects gifts made to Roulette between January 2024 and January 2025

VISIONARIES ($50,000+)

Bloomberg Philanthropies
Counterpoint Fund
The Destina Foundation
Howard Gilman Foundation
Jerome Foundation
MacMillan Family Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York State Council on the Arts
Joseph Walker & Nancy Meli Walker

STEWARDS ($20,000+)

Thomas & Kamala Buckner
Creative Connections Fund
Francis Goelet Charitable Lead Trusts
Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation
John Madsen
Paul Gertner and Rochelle Serwator
Starborn Industries

ADVOCATES ($10,000+)

Charina Foundation
Aaron Copland Fund for Music
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
Herb Leventer
mediaThe foundation
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
New Music USA
Mr. David Nuss & Sarah Martin-Nuss
Proctor Foundation
Fredrick Sherman and Alanna Heiss

INNOVATORS ($5,000+)

Amphion Foundation
Anthony B. Creamer III
Empire State Development Fund
The Golden Rule Foundation, Inc.
Jim Hodges
Mark Jackson and Karen Hagberg
Hyde and Watson Foundation
New York City Council, Office of Councilmember Lincoln Restler
Catherine Pavlov

PATRONS ($1,500+)

Claude Arpels
David Auerbach
Robert D. Bielecki Foundation
Timothy Bradley
Jon Burris
Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University
Harkness Foundation for Dance
Anne Hemenway
Woramon Jamjod and Mike Gherard
Mimi Johnson
Irving B. Kahn Foundation
Andrew Knox
George Lewis
James Lo
Ariane Lopez-Huici
Douglas and Gail Mehlan
Gayle Morgan
William and Patricia Parker
Leonard Pickett and Kathy Ray
The Selvage Fund of the East Bay Community Foundation
Mo Siegel
Michael Starsinic
The David and Sylvia Teitelbaum Fund
Brooks Williams and Christine Sullivan


John Allen
Peter Arnow
Andrew Bart
Richard Brender
Michael & Lesley Brovner
Sean Buffington
Barbara A. Burch
Michael Bushnell
Ashley Capps
David & Assal Caputo
Dick Connette
Ritik Dholakia
Mario Diaz de Leon
Betty K & Bill Feldman
Grunebaum Charitable Fund
Jane Gullong
Karen Halvorson
David Herskovits
Shaun Hickson
Shelley Hirsch
Susan Lee Johnson
Matty Karas
Peter Kerlin
Guy and Jan Klucevsek
Robbie Lee
Charmaine Lee
Andy Levine
Mark Lewin
Lost Goose Fund
Marlene and Peter MacLeish
Christian Marclay
Denman Maroney
Nicholas Moy
Leke Osinbi
Mark Palermo and Carole Robinson
Frank Rand
Mike Rugnetta
Ray Sasaki
Jeffrey Schanzer and Bernadette Speech
John Seroff and Leah Miles
Laetitia Sonami
Srinija Srinivasan
Ann Temkin
Michael Washburn and Nancy Carmichael
Brooke Wentz
David Wolff and Nicole Aron
Scott Wollschleger

FRIENDS ($150+)

Graig Adler
Todd Barton
Erik Bauer
Anney Bonney
Julie and Charles Bookwalter
Christopher Bren
Morton and Laura Cahn
Rob Clark
Dina Costa
Elvis Costello
Sylvie Courvoisier
Ian Crane
Joseph Daley
DeFoyd Murray Gang
Whit Dickey
Toni Dove
Marty Ehrlich
Angie Eng
Mark Enslin
Yale Evelev
Anita Feldman
Eve Fischberg and Steven Staley
Peter Flint
Robert Flynt
Alzatta Fogg
Any Frawley
Suzan Frecon
Fred Smith
Chantal Fujiwara
Tomas Fujiwara
Bernadette Marie Tien Yi Ku
Eugene Gannon
Rex Gaskins
Jeff Gauthier and Maggie Parkins
Bill Gordh
Mary Halvorson
Tom Hamilton and Jacqueline Martelle
Ed Harsh
Janene Higgins
Wayne and Robin Horvitz
Lars Ingebrigtsen
Daniel Karrer
Joan La Barbara and Morton Subotnick
David Lake
Mark Lamb
Richard Leach
Frank & Patricia Lenti
David Lerner
Gary Lucas
Erik Lund
Rod and Jue MacKinnon
Peter Madden
Bruce and Terry Malmer
Patchen Markell
Christine Maurus and Steven P. Marsh
Timothy J. McClimon
Jim McNeely
Myra Melford
Joshua Schneider and Rosemary Moore
David Naumann
Marie and Jim O’Neill
Zeena Parkins
Carol Parkinson
Jessica Pavone
Cyrus Pireh
Patricia Powell
Tomeka Reid
Michael Ryan and Regina Heyman
Ralph Samuelson
Michael J. Schumacher
Dan Senn
Adam Shatz
Frances Shaw
Jen Shyu
Howie Smith
Chuck Smith
Richard Soule
Steve Staley
Hope Carr and Lawrence Stanley
Carl Stone
Kay Takeda
The TANK Center for Sonic Arts
Robert Tannenbaum
JG Thirlwell
Henry Threadgill
Judith Upjohn
Irene Van Slyke
Thomas Watson
Jed Weinberg
Matt Werth

Special thanks to our Community Members

Marion Appel
Rikki Asher
Debra Bechtel
John Berman
Sarah Bernstein
Leon Bijou
Andrew Birsh
Stephen Blum
Wayne Bognar
Michael Bullock
Taylor F Ho Bynum
Ilana Cellum
John Coldwell
Dina Costa
Maria Damon
Cory Dann
Roger Day
Helena De Groot
Steven Defoe
Jody Diamond
Nicolas Dupuis
Dan Edes
Brent Edwards
Robert Een
Martha Ellman
Raymon Elozua
Janice Everett
John Falk
Alan Feller
Molissa Fenley
Sean Fitzell
Elizabeth Frankl
Ann Friedman
David Friedman
Mark Getlein
Christopher Gibbins
Lorena Gill
Myrel Glick
Melissa Gould
Mary Griffin
Stephanie Griffin
Matthew Griffin
John Halaburt
Rip Hayman
Melanie Hedlund
Joseph Helms
Michael Hieber
Camilla Hoitenga
Elise Hurley
Brenda Hutchinson
Shawn Jaeger
Carey Johnson
Phillip Johnston
Dan Joseph
Craig Kalpakjian
John King
Edward Kulzer
Oliver Lake
Gary Langol
Zach Layton
Janet Leuchter
Daniel Lippel
John Mangin
Sam Mastandrea
John Matturri
David Means
Jeff Mihok
Meredith Monk
Martha Mooke
Jennifer Murray
Lynnda Nadien
Mio Nakamura
Tiffany Ng
Jasper Niblock
Kristin Norderval
Miriam Pinon
Dana Reitz
Elke Rindfleisch
Erin Rogers
Christopher Romero
Max Rudin
Robin Rusch
Simon Ryder
Frank Sakalinis
Alison Salzinger
George Emlio Sanchez
Wolfgang Scheuler
Amy Schwartzman
Yukiko Seki
Robert Seng
Ed Silverman
Stephanie Skura
Leigh Smith
Karen Steele
Zachary Steiner
Rob Stephenson
Lisa Terry
Michael Thayer
Judith Theodori
Irene Trudel
Eric Umble
Laurie Uprichard
Adam Vales
Jan VanAssen
Leslie Vosshall
Leyla Vural
Beth Warshafsky
David Weaver
Theres Wegmann
Raymond Wentz
Michael Williams
Katharine B. Wolpe
Nami Yamamoto
Erik Ykema
Pamela Z