Christian Wolff

Saturday, June 18, 20228:00 pm

Venerable composer Christian Wolff presents work with longtime collaborators Joey Baron, Robyn Schulkowsky, and Robert Black.

Alongside John Cage, Morton Feldman, and Earle Brown, composer Wolff (born 1934, Nice, France) emerged in the 1950s on the New York experimental music scene and became a prominent champion of the aesthetics of musical indeterminism. His works–which became increasingly explicit in their political content as his career progressed–stress choice, artistic cooperation and interdependence, and an accommodating attitude toward the potential relationships between music, sound, and silence. Since 1941 he has lived in the United States. As an improviser he has played with the English group AMM, Christian Marclay, Takehisa Kosugi, Keith Rowe, Steve Lacy, Larry Polansky and Kui Dong. From 1971 to 1999 he taught classics, comparative literature and music at Dartmouth College.

Joey Baron, drummer
Robyn Schulkowsky, percussion
Robert Black, bass
Christian Wolff, piano


Percussionist 5 (2000), Baron & Schulkowsky
Look She Said (1991), Bass solo, Black
Keyboard Miscellany (1997 – 2022), selections, piano, Wolff
For 1. 2 or 3 People (1964), Baron, Schulkowsky, Wolff
Exercise 32 (2011), percussion solo, Schulkowsky
Roulette (2022). NY premiere, Baron, Black, Schulkowsky, Wolff

Christian Wolff Roulette 2022 (audio)


Christian Wolff

Saturday, June 18, 20228:00 pm

Venerable composer Christian Wolff presents work with longtime collaborators Joey Baron, Robyn Schulkowsky, and Robert Black.

Alongside John Cage, Morton Feldman, and Earle Brown, composer Wolff (born 1934, Nice, France) emerged in the 1950s on the New York experimental music scene and became a prominent champion of the aesthetics of musical indeterminism. His works–which became increasingly explicit in their political content as his career progressed–stress choice, artistic cooperation and interdependence, and an accommodating attitude toward the potential relationships between music, sound, and silence. Since 1941 he has lived in the United States. As an improviser he has played with the English group AMM, Christian Marclay, Takehisa Kosugi, Keith Rowe, Steve Lacy, Larry Polansky and Kui Dong. From 1971 to 1999 he taught classics, comparative literature and music at Dartmouth College.

Joey Baron, drummer
Robyn Schulkowsky, percussion
Robert Black, bass
Christian Wolff, piano


Percussionist 5 (2000), Baron & Schulkowsky
Look She Said (1991), Bass solo, Black
Keyboard Miscellany (1997 – 2022), selections, piano, Wolff
For 1. 2 or 3 People (1964), Baron, Schulkowsky, Wolff
Exercise 32 (2011), percussion solo, Schulkowsky
Roulette (2022). NY premiere, Baron, Black, Schulkowsky, Wolff

Christian Wolff Roulette 2022 (audio)
