Lazarus Sternberg and Matthew Ostrowski (Ghana Dog)’s “Dinner Theatre” for guitar, electronics, and skillet.
Matthew Ostrowski: (electronics and miscellaneous)
William Lazarus Sternberg (guitar and miscellaneous)
Special guest vocalist: Kayla Serotte
Ghana Dog (1983-87) was an improvising duo incorporating text, games, and theater of cruelty. Active in the low-ceilinged venues of the Lower East Side at the time, other works covered such topics as Roosevelt Island, computer-generated exploitation movie titles, pizza delivery, and card games.
In Dinner Theater, Kayla Serotte cooks a full meal onstage (including the sacrifice of a live lobster) using amplified kitchen implements, while speaking texts related to food and eating throughout the piece.
Presented on a double bill with Tom Guralnick and Baird Hersey. See separate entry.
A New York City native, Matthew Ostrowski has been creating art with electronic and digital media for over twenty years, having worked as a composer, performer and installation artist, exploring work with music, multimedia, video, and theater. Using digital tools and formalist techniques to engage with quotidian materials — sonic, physical, and cultural – Ostrowski’s work explores the liminal space between the virtual and phenomenological worlds. His work ranges from live electronic performance to installations incorporating video, multichannel sound, and computer-controlled objects. Ostrowski has collaborated with a large number of artists in the US and abroad, including David Behrman, John Butcher, Diamanda Galás, more. —Bio as of 2019