INTERPRETATIONS: Evan Parker Solo // Earl Howard & JD Parran

Thursday, September 25, 20148:00 pm


Solo performance has been a significant factor in Evan Parker’s output for decades – one for which his distinctive soprano saxophone style is particularly well suited. Parker will be giving his first full solo performance in New York since 2010 at Roulette, a space that is particularly well suited for the expansive sonic energy of Parker’s solo playing. Composer/performer Earl Howard has developed a highly advanced system for performing live digital signal processing, one that brings the expressive potential of live performance together with stochastic rigor of well-programmed digital sound synthesis. Howard will present two works that highlight his synthesizer work in solo and duo contexts“ML 70” is a piece for solo synthesizer, dedicated to Howard’s longtime friend and collaborator Mary Lucier. “27” presents Howard’s work in the context of a densely structured duo composition with JD Parran on various flutes and Howard performing his live digital processing and synthesis. Howard, Parran, and Parker will also play a trio improvisation on various woodwinds.

For more information about Interpretations please visit:


Evan Parker Solo // Earl Howard & JD Parran 2014

INTERPRETATIONS: Evan Parker Solo // Earl Howard & JD Parran

Thursday, September 25, 20148:00 pm


Solo performance has been a significant factor in Evan Parker’s output for decades – one for which his distinctive soprano saxophone style is particularly well suited. Parker will be giving his first full solo performance in New York since 2010 at Roulette, a space that is particularly well suited for the expansive sonic energy of Parker’s solo playing. Composer/performer Earl Howard has developed a highly advanced system for performing live digital signal processing, one that brings the expressive potential of live performance together with stochastic rigor of well-programmed digital sound synthesis. Howard will present two works that highlight his synthesizer work in solo and duo contexts“ML 70” is a piece for solo synthesizer, dedicated to Howard’s longtime friend and collaborator Mary Lucier. “27” presents Howard’s work in the context of a densely structured duo composition with JD Parran on various flutes and Howard performing his live digital processing and synthesis. Howard, Parran, and Parker will also play a trio improvisation on various woodwinds.

For more information about Interpretations please visit:


Evan Parker Solo // Earl Howard & JD Parran 2014