Jaap Blonk, Mats Gufstafsson, Michael Zerang

Saturday, May 8, 19999:00 pm

Sweden’s Mats Gufstafsson, Dutch vocalist and sound poet Jaap Blonk and the Assyrian-Chicagoan percussionist Michael Zerang continue their explorations/improvisations for a third straight year. Their debut recording, Imp-Rovi-Sors (Kontrans 143), was released in 1996.


Jaap Blonk, Mats Gufstafsson, Michael Zerang 1999

Jaap Blonk, Mats Gufstafsson, Michael Zerang

Saturday, May 8, 19999:00 pm

Sweden’s Mats Gufstafsson, Dutch vocalist and sound poet Jaap Blonk and the Assyrian-Chicagoan percussionist Michael Zerang continue their explorations/improvisations for a third straight year. Their debut recording, Imp-Rovi-Sors (Kontrans 143), was released in 1996.


Jaap Blonk, Mats Gufstafsson, Michael Zerang 1999