Ghostly International & Rvng Intl. Present: Jacaszek (Poland) / Holly Herndon (USA)

Thursday, September 6, 20128:00 pm

Roulette with Ghostly International and Rvng Intl. are pleased to present an evening of electroacoustic music, featuring a rare US performance by Polish composer Jacaszek and San Francisco based Holly Herndon.

JACASZEK is an electroacoustic composer and producer who combines electronically prepared sounds with acoustic instruments.  He is a co-curator of C3 Festival / Club Contemporary Classical / which in 2011 took place in Berlin, Essen and Gdansk.  Jacaszek’s latest album “Glimmer“ (2011 Ghostly Internationall/Gussstaff) is a natural effect of his constant search for a new, chamber, electroacustic form of music.  Subtle, almost unfinished, vanishing electronic parts are completed by sounds of  harpsichord (Ignacy Wiśniewski), bass clarinet (Andrzej Wojciechowski) and metalophone (Jacaszek).  Musical harmony and tones of “Glimmer” recalls baroque chamber music. But clarinet, metalophone and characteristic electronic phrases gives Jacaszek’s music fresh, unique form, bringing him close to contemporary artists such as Ben Frost, Colleen or Tim Hecker.

Jacaszek appearance is supported by the city of Gdansk, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Poland and Polish Cultural Institute New York.

Holly Herndon is an artist currently based in San Francisco.  She was recently announced a candidate for doctoral study in Electronic Music at Stanford University, and received her MFA in Electronic Music and Recording Media at Mills College under the guidance of John Bischoff, James Fei, Maggi Payne, and Fred Frith. While at Mills she won the Elizabeth Mills Crothers award for Best Composer in 2010 for her vocal generated piece ’195′.  Her musical work explores embodied experience in electronic media through experiments with the electronically processed voice, using extended vocal techniques, vocal processing and FM synthesis.  She recently released CAR, a site specific cassette on ThirdSex in Chicago, and is currently working on her solo debut album and a book on embodiment in electronic music performance for the Swiss publisher Van Dieren. Other notable projects for 2012 involve collaborations with Jlin, Hieroglyphic Being, Rene Hell and the Iranian philosopher Reza Negarestani, as well as performances with the media group.  When not producing music Holly curates and manages exhibits and residencies at The Children’s Creativity Museum in San Francisco and teaches music technology at the University of the Pacific. She co-founded the +dialog speaker series at Gray Area Foundation of the Arts in San Francisco, which to date has hosted Kode9, Erik Davis, Max Matthews, Douglas Kahn and more.


















Ghostly International & Rvng Intl. Present: Jacaszek (Poland) / Holly Herndon (USA)

Thursday, September 6, 20128:00 pm

Roulette with Ghostly International and Rvng Intl. are pleased to present an evening of electroacoustic music, featuring a rare US performance by Polish composer Jacaszek and San Francisco based Holly Herndon.

JACASZEK is an electroacoustic composer and producer who combines electronically prepared sounds with acoustic instruments.  He is a co-curator of C3 Festival / Club Contemporary Classical / which in 2011 took place in Berlin, Essen and Gdansk.  Jacaszek’s latest album “Glimmer“ (2011 Ghostly Internationall/Gussstaff) is a natural effect of his constant search for a new, chamber, electroacustic form of music.  Subtle, almost unfinished, vanishing electronic parts are completed by sounds of  harpsichord (Ignacy Wiśniewski), bass clarinet (Andrzej Wojciechowski) and metalophone (Jacaszek).  Musical harmony and tones of “Glimmer” recalls baroque chamber music. But clarinet, metalophone and characteristic electronic phrases gives Jacaszek’s music fresh, unique form, bringing him close to contemporary artists such as Ben Frost, Colleen or Tim Hecker.

Jacaszek appearance is supported by the city of Gdansk, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Poland and Polish Cultural Institute New York.

Holly Herndon is an artist currently based in San Francisco.  She was recently announced a candidate for doctoral study in Electronic Music at Stanford University, and received her MFA in Electronic Music and Recording Media at Mills College under the guidance of John Bischoff, James Fei, Maggi Payne, and Fred Frith. While at Mills she won the Elizabeth Mills Crothers award for Best Composer in 2010 for her vocal generated piece ’195′.  Her musical work explores embodied experience in electronic media through experiments with the electronically processed voice, using extended vocal techniques, vocal processing and FM synthesis.  She recently released CAR, a site specific cassette on ThirdSex in Chicago, and is currently working on her solo debut album and a book on embodiment in electronic music performance for the Swiss publisher Van Dieren. Other notable projects for 2012 involve collaborations with Jlin, Hieroglyphic Being, Rene Hell and the Iranian philosopher Reza Negarestani, as well as performances with the media group.  When not producing music Holly curates and manages exhibits and residencies at The Children’s Creativity Museum in San Francisco and teaches music technology at the University of the Pacific. She co-founded the +dialog speaker series at Gray Area Foundation of the Arts in San Francisco, which to date has hosted Kode9, Erik Davis, Max Matthews, Douglas Kahn and more.

















