Jackson Mac Low & Anne Tardos: Human Geography

Thursday, April 28, 19889:00 pm

The eternally immortal Mac Low (1922-2004, associate of Fluxus, John Cage, and Allen Ginsberg) and French/American partner and wordsmith Tardos presented  “Approaches to Human Geography” involving, among other things, words, music, Tardos’ projections of computer graphics, and guests including Mary Jane Leach (on tape).

Original program scan included.


Jackson Mac Low & Anne Tardos at Roulette 1988

Jackson Mac Low & Anne Tardos: Human Geography

Thursday, April 28, 19889:00 pm

The eternally immortal Mac Low (1922-2004, associate of Fluxus, John Cage, and Allen Ginsberg) and French/American partner and wordsmith Tardos presented  “Approaches to Human Geography” involving, among other things, words, music, Tardos’ projections of computer graphics, and guests including Mary Jane Leach (on tape).

Original program scan included.


Jackson Mac Low & Anne Tardos at Roulette 1988