“Glass Shadows” with Zen Matsuura on trapset and Korean percussion, Dan O’Brien on string bass, J.D. Parran on alto and bass clarinets, Marc Wagnon on extended vibraphone, and Jason Hwang on violin.
To see full program, click on the attached image.
“Glass Shadows” with Zen Matsuura on trapset and Korean percussion, Dan O’Brien on string bass, J.D. Parran on alto and bass clarinets, Marc Wagnon on extended vibraphone, and Jason Hwang on violin.
To see full program, click on the attached image.
“Glass Shadows” with Zen Matsuura on trapset and Korean percussion, Dan O’Brien on string bass, J.D. Parran on alto and bass clarinets, Marc Wagnon on extended vibraphone, and Jason Hwang on violin.
To see full program, click on the attached image.
Jason Hwang at Roulette 1992