Jerome Cooper

Friday, October 27, 20008:30 pm

Points of Reference, a performance in two parts by multi-dimensional drummer/percussionist Jerome Cooper. Simply put, but alas it is so much more. Two parts divided by constantly replicating dimensions multiplied by the folding and stretching and layering and branching and joining again. Beautiful instruments, sure hands, big ears, seeking. Tonight, a solo followed by a duet with Tom Buckner, percussion and voice.


Jerome Cooper (selected excerpt) at Roulette 2000


Jerome Cooper (full concert) at Roulette 2000

Jerome Cooper

Friday, October 27, 20008:30 pm

Points of Reference, a performance in two parts by multi-dimensional drummer/percussionist Jerome Cooper. Simply put, but alas it is so much more. Two parts divided by constantly replicating dimensions multiplied by the folding and stretching and layering and branching and joining again. Beautiful instruments, sure hands, big ears, seeking. Tonight, a solo followed by a duet with Tom Buckner, percussion and voice.


Jerome Cooper (selected excerpt) at Roulette 2000


Jerome Cooper (full concert) at Roulette 2000