Joan La Barbara

Wednesday, April 20, 20058:30 pm

“Atmospheres” One of the pioneers of extended voice (she could have patented her multiphonics, circular singing, ululation, and glottal clicks). Myriad colors, textured sonic atmospheres, spinning shapes and sound paintings. Her past associations include Bruce Nauman, Steina and Woody Vasulka, Morton Subotnick, Robert Ashley, Philip Glass, Steve Reich and John Cage.

Joan La Barbara

Wednesday, April 20, 20058:30 pm

“Atmospheres” One of the pioneers of extended voice (she could have patented her multiphonics, circular singing, ululation, and glottal clicks). Myriad colors, textured sonic atmospheres, spinning shapes and sound paintings. Her past associations include Bruce Nauman, Steina and Woody Vasulka, Morton Subotnick, Robert Ashley, Philip Glass, Steve Reich and John Cage.