New Winds

Sunday, May 18, 19979:00 pm

A world premiere performance as the decade-old trio sports a brilliant new face; Trumpeter Herb Robertson and his army of mutes and mutants join Robert Dick’s array of flute minis and monsters and Ned Rothenberg’s large licorice, sax and bamboo to blow towards ten more years of extended sonic poets. A bracing blend of timbral tenacity.

New Winds

Sunday, May 18, 19979:00 pm

A world premiere performance as the decade-old trio sports a brilliant new face; Trumpeter Herb Robertson and his army of mutes and mutants join Robert Dick’s array of flute minis and monsters and Ned Rothenberg’s large licorice, sax and bamboo to blow towards ten more years of extended sonic poets. A bracing blend of timbral tenacity.


New Winds at Roulette May 18, 1997