The Peter Evans Quintet has existed in various incarnations since the fall of 2009. The group is centered around the integration of heavily notated and completely improvised materials with live electronics. Drawing from his experiences with Evan Parker’s Electro-Acoustic Ensemble and concerts in NYC with Sam Pluta and Nathan Davis, Evans seeks to use the quintet format (piano, bass, drums, trumpet and live processing) as a place to synthesize almost every element of his musical interest into an organic whole. The group released its first album, “Ghosts” on More is More Records in March 2011, which features music commissioned in part by the Donaueschingen Musiktage ans SWR.
The Peter Evans Quintet, following on the the release of “Ghosts” earlier this year, debuts a set of newly composed music commissioned by the Jerome Foundation. The groups’s mission is to synthesize all manner of notation and improvisation in both acoustic and electronic realms into a saturated and super-detailed whole.
Peter Evans- trumpet, piccolo trumpet
Carlos Homs-piano
Tom Blancarte-bass
Jim Black-drums
Sam Pluta- laptop
Photo of Peter Evans Quintet courtesy of Peter Gannushkin
Marty Ehrlich’s 4Alto(s) with Michael Attias, Marty Ehrlich, Andy Laster, and Ned Rothenberg.
Photo of Marty Ehrlich by Scott Friedlander