Phoebe Legere

Saturday, March 27, 19999:00 pm

Phoebe Legere, pianistpoet, accordionactivist, composersinger, performs excerpts from her Sci-Fi opera Planet Boob; the first in a three part Boobian Cycle. This trans-genre electronic soundscape spectacle was inspired by U.F.O. sightings in the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey.


Phoebe Legere

Saturday, March 27, 19999:00 pm

Phoebe Legere, pianistpoet, accordionactivist, composersinger, performs excerpts from her Sci-Fi opera Planet Boob; the first in a three part Boobian Cycle. This trans-genre electronic soundscape spectacle was inspired by U.F.O. sightings in the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey.
