Plays Well With Others: Carver Audain; Christopher Williams; More TBA

Tuesday, October 18, 20118:00 pm


$15 General Admission
$10 Members/Students/Seniors

Plays Well With Others Festival is a 3 night mixed-genres festival exploring music, dance, video, and performance.

Carver Audain (b 1981) composes music in the Acousmatic tradition, which, as defined by French composer and theorist Pierre Schaefer, refers to “a sound that one hears without seeing the causes behind it.” Materially, he produces audio using digital signal processing and editing techniques on a variety of environmental and instrumental recordings. He is a self taught pianist, his earliest works are explorations in harmonics utilizing the piano, electronic organ, guitar and cymbals. In a live setting, he manipulates and structures these materials into situation-specific compositions. Sonically, he produces an array of slowly shifting sound fields that both merge and transform within their physical surroundings.

Christopher Williams is a dancer, choreographer, and puppeteer who has worked with artists such as Tere O’Connor, Douglas Dunn, John Kelly, Yoshiko Chuma, Jon Kinzel, Yvonne Meier, Renee Archibald, Michou Szabo, and Rebecca Lazier, among others, and has performed for puppetry artists Basil Twist and Dan Hurlin. Tonight, Williams presents Incubus (2003) – inspired by medieval belief in nocturnal spirits of the air who come to make love with sleeping victims, as well as those which were thought to cause the disease malaria through being inhaled, incubus is a duet for film exploring the landscape of the body and it’s negative spaces from the waist upwards.

Also See:
October 17th

Zeljko McMullen
Sarah Boatright

October 19th

Alex Escalante
Maria Chavez
Anna Azrieli

Plays Well With Others: Carver Audain; Christopher Williams; More TBA

Tuesday, October 18, 20118:00 pm


$15 General Admission
$10 Members/Students/Seniors

Plays Well With Others Festival is a 3 night mixed-genres festival exploring music, dance, video, and performance.

Carver Audain (b 1981) composes music in the Acousmatic tradition, which, as defined by French composer and theorist Pierre Schaefer, refers to “a sound that one hears without seeing the causes behind it.” Materially, he produces audio using digital signal processing and editing techniques on a variety of environmental and instrumental recordings. He is a self taught pianist, his earliest works are explorations in harmonics utilizing the piano, electronic organ, guitar and cymbals. In a live setting, he manipulates and structures these materials into situation-specific compositions. Sonically, he produces an array of slowly shifting sound fields that both merge and transform within their physical surroundings.

Christopher Williams is a dancer, choreographer, and puppeteer who has worked with artists such as Tere O’Connor, Douglas Dunn, John Kelly, Yoshiko Chuma, Jon Kinzel, Yvonne Meier, Renee Archibald, Michou Szabo, and Rebecca Lazier, among others, and has performed for puppetry artists Basil Twist and Dan Hurlin. Tonight, Williams presents Incubus (2003) – inspired by medieval belief in nocturnal spirits of the air who come to make love with sleeping victims, as well as those which were thought to cause the disease malaria through being inhaled, incubus is a duet for film exploring the landscape of the body and it’s negative spaces from the waist upwards.

Also See:
October 17th

Zeljko McMullen
Sarah Boatright

October 19th

Alex Escalante
Maria Chavez
Anna Azrieli