“The surface of a sound interests me. Is it round or angled? Grinding and raw? Or smooth, etc… I am interested in the distance of a sound. Does it sound different closer than further away? And I am interested in the interval, the space between the sounds. How far can this space be expanded, I mean, does stillness emerge or does stillness require a sound beforehand and afterward.
I am interested in time, in time that circles around an object and so to say around the presence, and for the concert, I like to give an extract of this endlessness.
The instruments I am using are simple and the same way complex, precomposed music parts, stored on several ipod players, are played back and mixed live, trying to understand the space and the situation of the audience “¦”
Born in Wilhelmshaven, Germany in 1939,Rolf Julius studied Art in Bremen and Berlin/Master Student at the Hochschule der Kunste in the 1960s. Since1979 he has produced works in the borderline region between music and art. 1983-84 lived in New York PS-1 studio and presented a lot of performances and installations. Lived in Tokyo in 1990 by the grant of Japan Foundation Fellowship. Lives and works in Berlin.