[ROULETTE KIDS] Andrea Williams, LeitFarbe

Saturday, March 8, 20141:00 pm

Roulette Kids presents: Andrea Williams, LeitFarbe:  An electro-acoustic composition that involves interactive improvisation with the audience. 

Andrea Williams, LeitFarbe will be held at Roulette on Saturday March 8th, 2014 from 1pm to 2pm.

Sound artist, Andrea Williams, composes immersive sonic environments with field recordings, laptop, small instruments, and room resonance. These electro-acoustic “surrealscapes” can bring urban noise to a meditative level, and they often draw the listener into a visual travelogue of memories. Her compositions evoke her soundwalks, walks based on listening and creatively interacting with the sonic environment. Her current project, Leitfarbe, is an electro-acoustic composition that involves interactive improvisation with the audience. Leitfarbe in German means “primary color” or “guiding color”. For this live sound art performance, the audience is invited to paint on large sheets of paper with black conductive paint– creating a long line that completes an open circuit. Once the  painted line is dry and it connects with the floor-triggers, you then can step on the floor-triggers to change the sound samples. You can improvise live to create the immersive soundscape together.

Andrea Williams’ Bio: Andrea Williams is a sound artist and composer currently living in Oakland, CA. She utilizes site-specific elements and perceptual cues to reveal the unseen connections between people and their environment. Her compositions make use of field recordings, instruments, computer technologies and the sound of the performance space itself. She has led soundwalks in New York and the Bay Area, and has shown and performed both solo and with various musicians at galleries and alternative spaces internationally, such as the Whitney Museum, Headlands Center for the Arts, Children’s Creativity Museum, NPR, Miami Art Fair, and the Mamori sound artist residency in the Amazon rainforest. Andrea is a founding member of the New York Society for Acoustic Ecology and is the Co-Director of the sound art non-profit, 23five Inc., in San Francisco.

Website: www.listeninglistening.com

For more information, please contact Amanda Davis at amanda@roulette.org or 917.267.0365.

The performance is $5 (cash at the door) Suggested for kids age 6+ (Adult supervision for kids under 6 encouraged)


[ROULETTE KIDS] Andrea Williams, LeitFarbe

Saturday, March 8, 20141:00 pm

Roulette Kids presents: Andrea Williams, LeitFarbe:  An electro-acoustic composition that involves interactive improvisation with the audience. 

Andrea Williams, LeitFarbe will be held at Roulette on Saturday March 8th, 2014 from 1pm to 2pm.

Sound artist, Andrea Williams, composes immersive sonic environments with field recordings, laptop, small instruments, and room resonance. These electro-acoustic “surrealscapes” can bring urban noise to a meditative level, and they often draw the listener into a visual travelogue of memories. Her compositions evoke her soundwalks, walks based on listening and creatively interacting with the sonic environment. Her current project, Leitfarbe, is an electro-acoustic composition that involves interactive improvisation with the audience. Leitfarbe in German means “primary color” or “guiding color”. For this live sound art performance, the audience is invited to paint on large sheets of paper with black conductive paint– creating a long line that completes an open circuit. Once the  painted line is dry and it connects with the floor-triggers, you then can step on the floor-triggers to change the sound samples. You can improvise live to create the immersive soundscape together.

Andrea Williams’ Bio: Andrea Williams is a sound artist and composer currently living in Oakland, CA. She utilizes site-specific elements and perceptual cues to reveal the unseen connections between people and their environment. Her compositions make use of field recordings, instruments, computer technologies and the sound of the performance space itself. She has led soundwalks in New York and the Bay Area, and has shown and performed both solo and with various musicians at galleries and alternative spaces internationally, such as the Whitney Museum, Headlands Center for the Arts, Children’s Creativity Museum, NPR, Miami Art Fair, and the Mamori sound artist residency in the Amazon rainforest. Andrea is a founding member of the New York Society for Acoustic Ecology and is the Co-Director of the sound art non-profit, 23five Inc., in San Francisco.

Website: www.listeninglistening.com

For more information, please contact Amanda Davis at amanda@roulette.org or 917.267.0365.

The performance is $5 (cash at the door) Suggested for kids age 6+ (Adult supervision for kids under 6 encouraged)
