Visible Waves by the composer and performer of sampled sound environments and shō (mouth-organ), Montreal-based Suzanne Binet-Audet on ondes-Martenot and Tokyo-based Harumi Kaieda, a calligraphy artist.
1. Nocturnal Premonitions (Peebles)
2. Visible Waves – improvisation with calligraphy performance (Peebles, Binet-Audet, Kaieda)
3. Works by Gilles Gobeil (tba)
Sarah Peebles is a Toronto-based installation artist, composer and improviser. Peebles pursued violin, composition, and theatre studies in her native Minneapolis, MN, and received a Bachelor of Music degree in composition in 1988 from the University of Michigan School of Music at Ann Arbor, followed by workshops in electronic media at InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto. In the 80’s and 90’s she studied contemporary music at Toho Gakuen School of Music, gagaku (court music) at Hatonomori Shrine, the Tokyo Association of Shinto Priests and others, and Shinto pantomime theatre music with the Okada Guild of Sato-Kagura (Saitama).
Much of her audio practice has focused on digitally manipulated found sound projected via loudspeakers and/or physical objects, as well as developing distinct approaches to acoustic and amplified improvisation on the shō (the Japanese mouth-organ used in gagaku).
Suzanne Binet-Audet studied organ at the Conservatory in Montréal, and later perfected her technique with Jean Langlais in Paris. At the same time, she became fascinated with the ondes Martenot, and enrolled at the Conservatoire where she worked with the instrument’s inventor, Maurice Martenot, eventually earning a Première Médaille. She also received instruction from Jeanne Loriod at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris, and was awarded a concert diploma from the institution. Since then, Binet-Audet has appeared in concert as a soloist, and as a member of both the Parisian Sextuor Loriod ondes Martenot ensemble, and the Ensemble d’ondes de Montréal, the latter since its foundation in 1976. She has performed with various orchestras and music ensembles in Canada, the United States, Japan, and Europe. For the past ten years, she has composed for the stage, and performed as an improviser in multimedia events.
- Sarah Peebles (photo: Rob Cruickshank)
- Binet-Audet from the film Le Chant des Ondes (96min, by Caroline Martel, productions artifact/ONF, 2012)
- Kaieda from the film Force et beaute ‘de l’encre (video by Grow, Inc)