Thomas Buckner performs Annea Lockwood, Narong Prangcharoen, Kit Young & Anne Guthrie

Thursday, February 9, 20128:00 pm

Thomas Buckner’s 24th annual concert of commissioned works for baritone voice! Composers featured on this evening include his long-time collaborators, esteemed composers Robert Ashley, Annea Lockwood, and Alvin Lucier, along with New York premieres by Anne Guthrie, Narong Prangcharoen, and Kit Young. Featuring, Thomas Buckner (voice) Theodore Mook (cello), Chris Nappi (percussion), Jill Van Nostrand (french horn), Sun Ying (guqin), and Kit Young (piano).

From voice and piano to 4-channel sound, from Kit Young’s work incorporating poetry from Burmese performance artist U San Oo to Lockwood’s texts from Guantanamo detainees to Ashley’s work World War III (Just The Highlights), the evening’s subject matter, imagery, and soundscapes are diverse and transformative. The wide variety of styles and sounds ensures that no piece on this program is remotely like any of the others.






Thomas Buckner performs Annea Lockwood, Narong Prangcharoen, Kit Young & Anne Guthrie

Thursday, February 9, 20128:00 pm

Thomas Buckner’s 24th annual concert of commissioned works for baritone voice! Composers featured on this evening include his long-time collaborators, esteemed composers Robert Ashley, Annea Lockwood, and Alvin Lucier, along with New York premieres by Anne Guthrie, Narong Prangcharoen, and Kit Young. Featuring, Thomas Buckner (voice) Theodore Mook (cello), Chris Nappi (percussion), Jill Van Nostrand (french horn), Sun Ying (guqin), and Kit Young (piano).

From voice and piano to 4-channel sound, from Kit Young’s work incorporating poetry from Burmese performance artist U San Oo to Lockwood’s texts from Guantanamo detainees to Ashley’s work World War III (Just The Highlights), the evening’s subject matter, imagery, and soundscapes are diverse and transformative. The wide variety of styles and sounds ensures that no piece on this program is remotely like any of the others.






Thomas Bucker, commissioned works at Roulette 2012