Tori Ensemble – featuring special guests Ikue Mori, Shoko Nagai, Nate Wooley, and More

Saturday, December 10, 20118:00 pm


$15 General Admission
$10 Members/Students/Seniors

Tonight’s event features traditional Korean music as well as group improvisations with special guests Ikue Mori, Shoko Nagai, Nate Wooley, Ned Rothenberg, Satoshi Takeishi, and more.

Tori Ensemble is a world music ensemble featuring Korean traditional artists and American free jazz artists – transcending musical borders through a mingling of jazz, new music, and Korean influences.

Featuring HEO Yoon-jeong (geomun-go), KANG Kwon-soon (jeongga), MIN Young-chi (daegum & janggu), LEE Suk-joo (piri), Ned Rothenberg (clarinet & saxophone), Satoshi Takeishi (percussion), Isabel Castellvi (cello)

Tori Ensemble – featuring special guests Ikue Mori, Shoko Nagai, Nate Wooley, and More

Saturday, December 10, 20118:00 pm


$15 General Admission
$10 Members/Students/Seniors

Tonight’s event features traditional Korean music as well as group improvisations with special guests Ikue Mori, Shoko Nagai, Nate Wooley, Ned Rothenberg, Satoshi Takeishi, and more.

Tori Ensemble is a world music ensemble featuring Korean traditional artists and American free jazz artists – transcending musical borders through a mingling of jazz, new music, and Korean influences.

Featuring HEO Yoon-jeong (geomun-go), KANG Kwon-soon (jeongga), MIN Young-chi (daegum & janggu), LEE Suk-joo (piri), Ned Rothenberg (clarinet & saxophone), Satoshi Takeishi (percussion), Isabel Castellvi (cello)