Roulette’s thrice-yearly season program has featured exclusive editorial + interviews with avant-garde legends such as Meredith Monk, Glenn Branca, Sally Silvers, and Joan La Barbara and emerging artists such as Kelly Moran, Amirtha Kidambi, Che Chen, and more. Our zine is printed on single color, 60lb white offset paper and distributed throughout NYC.
To advertise with us, please contact:
Caitlin Gleason, Director of Communications
Rachel Lyngholm, Graphic Designer + Communications Assistant
(917) 338-6378
Past Issues | Advertise | Distribution | Deadlines | Print Specs and Rates | Guidelines
Past Issues
Advertise With Us
The annual circulation for Roulette’s zine is 8,000. Zines are distributed at each of Roulette’s 120 performances throughout the year; they’re also frequently available in our lobby during the 100+ rental events that we host in our space each year. Additionally, our street team distributes the zine to 80+ institutions, restaurants, shops, and more throughout the five boroughs. We produce a unique zine issue with new editorial content and artists interviews for each season: Fall (September – December), Winter (January – March), Spring (April – June).
Current Issues with Space Available
012: Spring 2020: Apr – Jun
Artwork Deadlines
Fall 2019: August 13, 2019
Winter 2020: December 1, 2019
Spring 2020: March 11, 2020
Print Specifications and Rates
1 x Outside Back
$1200 for Season
$2000 for Year
5.5 x 8.5 Black + White + 0.25″” Bleed
1 x Inside Front
$1000 for Season
$1800 for Year
5.25″” x 8.25″” (includes 0.25 margin)
Black + White
1 x Inside Back
$1200 for Season
$2000 for Year
5.25″” x 8.25″” (includes 0.25 margin)
Black + White
6 x Inside Full
$500 per Season
$1000 for Year
5.25″” x 8.25″” (includes 0.25 margin)
Black + White
General Guidelines
All artwork at a resolution of 300dpi.
Convert all text to outlines
Please do not include crop marks or any other additional information not intended for print on any final art.
.PDF — preferred format, zip compressed
Please provide contact information with every submission and include your company name, date created, and “”ROULETTE ISSUE 000″” (Include issue #) in the filename of the ad.