Shelley Hirsch (duo improvs)

Saturday, March 20, 1999. 9:00 pm
Vocalist/composer/performer Shelley Hirsch in duos with Min Xiao Fen (pipa), DJ Olive (turntables), and David Watson (bagpipes). Fascinating, […]

Gregor Asch, aka DJ Olive

Friday, December 4, 1998. 9:00 pm
This new composition from composer/turntablist/producer Gregor Asch aka DJ Olive the Audio Janitor, will be performed live for the first time […]

Christian Marclay w/ DJ Olive & Tashio Kajiwara

Thursday, November 7, 1996. 8:30 pm
Groundbreaking record-breaking “record player” Christian Marclay assembles a trio of turntablists including DJ Olive, one of the […]