Julia Den Boer: The Underfolding

Tuesday, February 23, 2021. 8:00 pm
Pianist Julia Den Boer presents The Underfolding—a solo keyboard program of recent compositions by Eric Wubbels, Erin Gee, Giulia Lorusso, […]

Resonant Bodies Festival 2019: Stephanie Blythe, Arooj Aftab with Vijay Iyer & Shahzad Ismaily, Erin Gee

Thursday, September 5, 2019. 7:30 pm
RBF features 9 of the contemporary music world's most virtuosic, innovative vocalists, giving them carte blanche to curate their repertoire.

Argento New Music Project: The Voices of Erin Gee

Friday, February 8, 2019. 8:00 pm
One composer, 10 works, myriad voices: witness the evolution of an essential voice within the current landscape of experimental concert music.