Shot through with melodic beauty and rhythmic urgency, celebration and serenity, solemnity and unbridled joy, Douglas J Cuomo’s Seven Limbs—the name refers to the fundamental Tibetan Buddhist practice of purification—juxtaposes Nels Cline’s wildly inventive guitar playing and use of electronic effects with the string quartet The Overlook’s classically based and forward thinking musical outlook. The work sets these five expert musicians in a landscape that is slightly unfamiliar, where the ground under their feet is always shifting in unexpected ways. Cline will be playing electric guitar with effects, and acoustic guitar. His music is partially notated but largely improvised following specific direction and guidelines in the score. The string quartet’s music will be entirely notated, utilizing the full range of techniques, colors and effects available to the 21st century string quartet. The piece is a ritual in seven movements: Prostration; Offering; Confession; Rejoicing; Requesting the Turning of the Wheel of Dharma; Beseeching the Buddhas Not to Pass Away; and Dedication.