Judith Ren-Lay

Friday, October 23, 19879:00 pm

“Sound Layers” with Gerry Hemingway, Patrick Bowers, Bob Drake, Matthew Kobalkin, Jack Fetterman, and others.

Judith Ren-Lay, American Dancer, performance artist. National Endowment for Arts fellow, 1986, 88; recipient New York Dance & Performance award (Bessie award), 1985. F C.

Judith Ren-Lay

Friday, October 23, 19879:00 pm

“Sound Layers” with Gerry Hemingway, Patrick Bowers, Bob Drake, Matthew Kobalkin, Jack Fetterman, and others.

Judith Ren-Lay, American Dancer, performance artist. National Endowment for Arts fellow, 1986, 88; recipient New York Dance & Performance award (Bessie award), 1985. F C.


Judith Ren-Lay at Roulette 1987