Documentation of the first ever Roulette concert at the Old Town School of Folk Music on Nov. 12, 1978. Attached images are the concert flyer, press release, program, and review in Art In America. There is no audio documentation.
James Staley – Trombone
John Fonville – Flute
Ann Kindon – Dance
Jennifer Fryzel – Druid’s piano
Jeff Thomas – Improvisation and Electronic Effects
The Chicago-New York based performing artist alliance Roulette will present works by five composers using electronic and instrumental media and dance on Nov. 12 at the Old Town School of Folk Music, 909 W. Armitage in Chicago. There will be two performances, 7:00 & 9:00 PM; admission is $2. The concert features compositions by Salvatore Martirano, composer/innovator from the U of I in Urbana, Chicago composers Dan Senn and David Weinstein, David Means from Minneapolis, and Michael Kowalski of Boston. Solo performances by New York residents Jim Staley and John Fonville, and Chicago choreographer/dancer Ann Kindon of Dancycle are also featured.
Produced by David Weinstein, Laurie Szujewska, and Dan Senn
Wall Installation #1 (1978) by David Means
James Staley – trombone
Note: The performance will take place against the west wall
Beep Before You Think (1978) by Salvatore Martirano
For two-channel tape.
Assemblage I (1978) by John Fonville
sleep loops
in such
a way
as to use
up some
Note: The performance will take place in the red circle in the northeast corner.
Jump Back (1978) by Dan Senn
Ann Kindon – Dance
Note: Dance will take place within area defined by white tape.
The Color of Hay vs. Monet (1978) by David Weinstein
Jennifer Fryzel – Druid’s piano
Scrapercussion (1978) by Dan Senn
Four-channel tape and sculpture by Dan Senn
Improvisation and electronic effects by Jeff Thomas
Note: Chairs are available against the east wall for those wishing to be seated. The audience is invited to adjust their positions to accommodate the piece being performed
Roulette is a non-profit organization designed to facilitate communication between performing artists and their communities. Roulette produces concerts and exhibitions in Chicago and New York for artists from the U.S. and abroad. This concert is done in cooperation with The Old Town School.