Turning Jewels Into Water: Standing at the End of the World

Friday, October 23, 2020. 8:00 pm
A collaboration between musicians, dancers and a video artist that depicts the transformation of an individual facing climate-change

Ursel Schlicht & Ex Tempore

Thursday, December 2, 2004. 8:30 pm
Duos inside and out of the piano with bassist Reuben Radding followed by the sextet Ex Tempore that incorporates musical languages ranging from […]

Dan Dechellis

Friday, November 1, 2002. 8:00 pm
Dan DeChellis has been described as “a pianist with plenty to say, covering a broad emotional spectrum while creating music that speaks […]

William Connell

Friday, October 15, 1999. 9:00 pm
The Adamantine Vehicle: Composer/reedist William Connell presents original compositions and arrangements distinguished for their kinetic […]