lec/dem: Performances of lecture and lectures on performance
Tuesday, October 21:
Tara Aisha Willis
Justin Cabrillos
Kim Brandt
Wednesday, October 22:
Hilary Clark
Michelle Boulé
Macklin Kowal
The term “Lec-Dem” is shorthand for Lecture Demonstration, a type of performance put on, most often, by dance teachers and their students in places like hospitals, schools and retirement homes that involves demonstrating dance repertoire interspersed with brief explanation.
Roulette’s lec/dem is an open opportunity for dance and performance artists to share their current research, whether it be written/academically-driven, movement-based time art, or a combination of the two. There is no binding conceptual content connecting spoken or danced work; lec/dem is an open opportunity to share categories of research that are tangentially related to dance performance.
Our ongoing [DANCEROULETTE] series reflects the commitment to presenting experimental dance that we’ve held since our founding in 1978, particularly the collaborative efforts of composers and choreographers exploring the relationship between sound and movement, choreography and composition. Roulette’s move to Brooklyn in September 2011 has enabled us to initiate a regular season of [DANCEROULETTE] presentations, which now hosts nearly 40 performances yearly.
[DANCEROULETTE] lec/dem: Performances of lecture and lectures on performance is supported, in part, by the Mertz Gilmore Foundation.
lec/dem is curated by Kyli Kleven