Jim Fulkerson

Saturday, November 12, 1994. 9:00 pm
Composer/Trombonist – Raking the sands of ambient music, Fulkerson will perform excerpts from his new CD, Force Fields and Spaces and a […]

Michele Navazio

Friday, November 11, 1994. 8:00 pm
Guitarist/composer Michele “Miki” Navazio leads his ensemble, Fantoids, a new jazz/pop quartet, with Eric Friedlander, cello; […]

Neely Bruce

Thursday, November 10, 1994. 9:00 pm
Composer/pianist Neely Bruce will be performing many NY premieres of his works for piano which incorporate chance operations, popular elements […]

Bea Licata

Saturday, October 29, 1994. 9:00 pm
ABANDON! Bea Licata performs – improvised impassioned vocals – killer effects – textual infractions and indispensable […]

Annie Gosfield

Friday, October 28, 1994. 9:00 pm
Composer/keyboardist presents her compositions as well as work by mentor Philip Washington Shreck, “Father of Calamitonality”. […]

Tim Brady

Thursday, October 27, 1994. 9:00 pm
What if they made guitars with thousands of strings and frets and millions of notes? is post-modern guitar mayhem featuring music from […]

Jim Staley & Borah Bergman

Sunday, October 23, 1994. 9:00 pm
Ritual symbology for improvisors. Trombone and piano.

Sarah Peebles & Suzanne Binet-Audet with Harumi Kaieda

Saturday, October 22, 1994. 9:00 pm
Visible Waves by the composer and performer of sampled sound environments and shō (mouth-organ), Montreal-based Suzanne Binet-Audet […]

Fumiko Miyanoo

Friday, October 21, 1994. 9:00 pm
A determined and exilarating pianist, Ms. Miyanoo will perform solo piano works by Ichiyanagi, James Sellars, Gustavo Matamoros and Xenakis.

Paul Hoskin/John Dierker/Sean Meehan

Thursday, October 20, 1994. 9:00 pm
Known as improvisers, this trio gives the music stands of Roulette a work out. Will include compositions by the trio plus works by Reams, […]