Vital Vox Festival | Vox Electronics: Lisa Karrer / Sasha Bogdanowitsch with Loom Ensemble / Pamela Z

Tuesday, March 26, 2013. 8:00 pm
Celebrating composer-performers in the vocal arts who stretch and expand the voice in new and original ways, continuing a strong contemporary […]

Simons @60 – The Music of David Simons

Wednesday, March 13, 2013. 8:00 pm
A select retrospective of David’s compositions for gamelan, voice, mixed ensembles, and interactive theremin. Featuring Gamelan Son of Lion, […]

Gamelan Son of Lion

Sunday, November 21, 2004. 8:30 pm
Spinning Combinations: the iconoclastic gamelan presents syncretic works, conflating tunings, timbres, and cultural norms, combining Indonesian […]

Lisa Karrer & David Simons

Friday, October 23, 1998. 9:00 pm
Original compositions and arrangements of Bosnian, Estonian, Yiddish, Indonesian and Beefheart. Theremin and voice become MIDI triggers for […]

Jerome Kitzke/The Mad Coyote

Saturday, April 13, 1996. 9:00 pm
Band of Coyotes will play an evening of Kitzke’s compositions and composer directed improvisations. Included will be excerpts from the […]