Sirius String Quartet

Thursday, April 10, 2003. 8:30 pm
From polished spruce to full metal jacket, the fearless electrified improvising New York string quartet performs new works by composers […]

Mark Howell

Wednesday, December 2, 1998. 9:00 pm
Constructionist compositions from the last couple of years, including “To the Heart”, a triple non-jazz concerto homage to the […]

Michael Sahl

Thursday, April 20, 1995. 9:00 pm
Music for Strings. Somewhere between Jazz and Romantic with Mary Rowell, Rob Tamaro, Sirius String Quartet and a new piano piece played by the […]

Jeffrey Schanzer

Thursday, March 23, 1995. 9:00 pm
Co-sponsored by the Interpretations Series of the World Music Institute. The premiere of No More In Thrall, commemorating the 50th anniversary […]

Sirius String Quartet

Friday, October 29, 1993. 8:00 pm
Internationally acclaimed veterans of contemporary music, Sirius Quartet combines exhilarating repertoire with unequalled improvisational fire. […]