Salvatore Martirano

Monday, October 12, 1987. 9:00 pm
A video update of his legendary “L.’s G. A.” plus new works for electronics and a MIDI violin, with Dorothy Martirano.* […]

Joëlle Léandre

Wednesday, April 22, 1987. 8:00 pm
French Bassist with J. Staley & C.K. Noyes Improv. Joëlle Léandre (born 12 September 1951 in Aix-en-Provence, France) is a double […]

David Mahler

Tuesday, April 21, 1987. 8:30 pm
“Songs, Piano Pieces, Tape Pieces” with a tribute to Elvis Presley and this centuries’ most celebrated English language […]

Horst Rickels

Sunday, April 12, 1987. 8:30 pm
From Holland, playing his compressed air reconstructed organ pipe machines. Horst Rickels originally studied piano construction at […]

Walter Thompson Big Band

Wednesday, March 11, 1987. 8:30 pm
A 17-piece neo-traditional ensemble plus a 31-piece premiere using strings and chorus. Co-produced by Greenwich House Music School and Roulette. […]

Bill Horvitz

Friday, December 5, 1986. 9:00 pm
The guitarist/composer with a 12-piece ensemble combining improvisation and composed material, with Elliot Sharp, Bobby Previte, George […]

David Garland

Wednesday, December 3, 1986. 9:00 pm
The singer/songwriter teams with accordionist Guy Klucevsek to perform “Control Songs” and some new and old favorites.

Glen Velez

Friday, November 21, 1986. 9:00 pm
A concert of original music for frame drums and other relatives of the tambourine, solo and ensemble.

History of Unheard Music and Pass Tints

Saturday, November 15, 1986. 9:00 pm
“Farmer In The Now” combines dancers Lisa Love, Linda Mancini, Tina Dudek, and Harry Sheppard with the audio wardrobe of the men […]

New York Jazz Composer’s Orchestra

Wednesday, November 5, 1986. 8:00 pm
Performance at 8 P.M. at the Hayden Auditorium, 27 Barrow Street, New York (Greenwich Village) Admission $6.00 Large ensemble works by Robin […]