David Weinstein: Odd Man Out

Saturday, May 16, 1998. 9:00 pm
New and unusual instruments, technology and music with mixed media. Odd Man Out, the unrecognizable, the faintly evocative, the overt quotation […]

Fast Forward

Friday, May 15, 1998. 9:00 pm
New and unusual instruments, technology and music with mixed media. Improper Relationships #1, the first in a series of music mixtures employing […]

Matt Rogalsky

Thursday, May 14, 1998. 9:00 pm
New and unusual instruments, technology and music with mixed media. On the air, electronic transformation of available sounds. Sonic geographies […]

Tennessee Rice Dixon

Wednesday, May 13, 1998. 9:00 pm
New and unusual instruments, technology and music with mixed media. Backtide at the Alter, an opera of images and sounds, projections, live […]

Gina Leishman / Beth Custer

Sunday, April 26, 1998. 9:00 pm
Two composer/multi-instrumentalists share an evening to show new solo and chamber instrumental pieces, as well as songs from the odd corners of […]

Mixology 1998: Matthew Ostrowski

Saturday, April 25, 1998. 9:00 pm
The veteran polymorph re-emerges as a born-again computer geek, playing Vertebra, a solo for computer-driven sampler, featuring his […]

Gen Ken Montgomery

Thursday, April 23, 1998. 9:00 pm
New and unusual instruments, technology and music with mixed media. In Domestic Release, his latest creation for The Generator Sound Theater, […]

Arthur Jarvinen and Ryan Francesconi

Wednesday, April 22, 1998. 9:00 pm
New and unusual instruments, technology and music with mixed media. Kam Fong as Chin Ho, featuring two Californians with a noted enthusiasm for […]